Oysters for Christmas

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M One memory from my childhood was a big splurge my mother spent on food.  She bought a can of oysters.  Chopped and added to turkey stuffing, we were aware this was a delicacy.  The cost in 1955 was 45 cents.  Today it might be $15.00. 


V What do we wish our children, our grandchildren to remember when we gather for our Christmas meal?  Each one might contribute to the prayer. Say something we are thankful for.  A need we have that we bring trusting Jesus for an answer.  We’re considering how to make our mealtime more focused.


M No, I won’t be putting oysters int the dressing.But I knew our Mother wanted us to know that meal was special


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