The problems and blessings of wealth # 3

I’m Miriam Neff and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money


M Why are some blessed with wealth, and others not?  Actually, this is the wrong question, not ours to ask.  This is God’s business, not ours.  The question we should ask is, “Lord, help me steward what you have entrusted to me wisely.  And give me contentment.  Those are prayers He promises to answer: wisdom and contentment. 


V  Will we see money used for evil purposes?  Yes.  Is that fair, and right? No.  But Heaven will be perfect.  Consider Matthew 5: 45. ‘He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.’ Today’s version might be owning a growing equity stock which blesses the Christ follower and those who reject Christ.


M. Let’s commit to no judging.  That’s Gods department.  Contentment no matter what. 


The necessity of wills.


The problems and blessings of wealth # 2