Budget Busters

I’m Miriam Neff and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money


M  What is one of the biggest budget busters?  It’s being discontented with what you have.  Contentment means we do not compare what we have with others.  Wanting bigger, better, more sparkly.


V  My good friend likes to say, “Comparison kills gratitude.”  Financially challenging times mean we have to shrink spending in those disposable categories.  Not such a smart phone, less entertainment options, cooking instead of eating out.  And being grateful for Uno cards and baked potatoes.  Even non discretionary items like utilities can be shrunk a bit by lowering usage.


M Scripture is full of examples of people being discontented and others grateful.  The traveling Israelites grumbled they had no meat.  They were fed mana every day.  Paul was content in prison, probably hungry.  Contentment my friend, God gives it. We need it. 


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