Pay day loans

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M We repeatedly stress Scripture that says ‘no debt’ with only a few exceptions.  However statistics indicate a growing number of Christians are getting payday loans. While payday loans are illegal in 18 states, states that allow them often have few regulations. 


V High interest rates, sometimes 36 percent, and changing rates can change that needed cash into a nightmare. A debt that cannot be paid off. 


Solution to not taking pay day loans: reduce expenses. Buy less. Pay cash, not credit card swipes.  Another idea, get an additional source of income. Additional part time job.  Start immediately. 


M Credit counselors are a good source of wisdom. Scripture is best.  Earn, then spend.  Not spend then hope earnings will cover it. 


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