Retirement 2

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M Retirement provisions are sketchy these days.  Retirement is biblical with much to be considered.

It is not biblical to not give to God, whether a tithe or other amount, in order to fund retirement.  Remember it’s all God’s for us to steward.  Life is always unpredictable.  God’s goodness and care are guaranteed. And Scripture admonishes us to not be anxious.


V Thinking ahead about some form of retirement, remember that we can be flexible.  Charts of what’s required for retirement are based on location and lifestyle expectations. 


Moving to affordable housing, shrinking our spending plans, these are not only possibilities, but may be necessities.


M  Here’s a prayer God always answers.  When we pray for contentment, He gives us contentment in any circumstance.  God is on the thrown, not self and our desires. 


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