Divorce and financial confidence
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
M Lets address a tough issue: the impact of divorce on both women and men. Studies show that men are more confident on financial matters. Women are more likely to lack financial confidence. Enter the disruption of divorce, and often women’s confidence plummets more.
V Fact: God cares about each of us. He knows the reality of our life, each day, each hour. And He has created us to be resilient. It’s important not to leave spending on cruise control. Changes are required immediately. What is the reality of money coming in? Alimony, child support, earned income. Some changes can be immediate. Moving and relocation may take a bit longer..
M God promises that He can give us contentment in any circumstance. Ask for it. That’s a prayer he always answers.