
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M A sad reality in the United States is that the divorce rate for first time marriages is 35%-50%.  Among those who identify as Christians, the percent is the same. Statistics indicate that needed income for the 2 as separate individuals is 30% more than when married.  Rarely does income go up for either.


V Reality: women are less financially well off than men after divorce.  What principles apply for that Christian woman and man after divorce?  Biblical directives are the same.  Spend less than you earn.  We were contacted by a divorcee who survived growing credit card debt after an abusive marriage.  Solely supporting 2 small children, she made it through.


Eventually she was able to pay down her debt.  God honoring, safe, but a tough time. 


Divorce and financial confidence


Cheating widows