Budget Category Averages 2

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M Would you like to have more to give to your favorite charity?   An effective ministry?


Take a close look at your food budget.  Financial planners recommend 5-15% of your overall spending.  That 15% higher amount is likely for those with lower incomes.  But most of us can shrink that category.


V It’s a challenge if you have 3 athletic growing sons. I understand.  It’s tempting to do the drive through, fast food on the road option, and costly.  My suggestion:  simplify.  Make a list, stick to it, and don’t send your husband grocery shopping when he’s hungry.


M In my single world now, a big pot of soup takes a bit of time to make, but resulting frozen meals are handy and inexpensive.


Learning From Our Mistakes


Budget Category Averages 1