Tax Day Coming 2

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M Two things are guaranteed in this life:  taxes and death.  This was true in Jesus’ day.  He said pay Caesar.  Let’s talk about taxes.


V The IRS will tell you what you owe from your income.  Percentages differ.  Typically, employers deduct something.  If you have filed and you’ll owe more than deducted, you might want to make a change for next year.  Fearing that tax hit?  Change your deductions to reduce it. 


Become a better receipt saver.  Read the possible deductions and categories.


M I learned I could deduct sales tax in Illinois on large items, like furniture or a car.  Your life may have changed, mine did, but we can learn.   Make adjustments so next year will be better.


Life Insurance


Tax Day Coming 1