Life Insurance

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M My perspective on money has been changed by the work I do in impoverished countries helping widows.  They are young, trying to feed their orphaned children, desperate circumstances.  Our skill training helps.  However, I come home and hear the plight of widows here that could have been prevented.


V Scripture states that families should provide for their own.  Couples can buy life insurance.  Death happens. Usually, Dad leaves this planet first.  Budgets may be tight.  But even a small term life insurance policy is not only peace of mind, it’s biblical.  That’s caring for family in their greatest time of need.  We recommend a separate additional policy not tied to the workplace. 


M Do you love your spouse?  Then make real provision for their future.


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