Recession Proof Living 1

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M Thankfully we are not in a recession.  But the future has unknowns.  Luke 12 says don’t worry.  We say prepare. You can recession proof your life before hard times.  Emergency funds are vital, but how much?

V Balance the tendency to stockpile and hoard (which leaves out faith in God’s provision) with due diligence and not being wasteful, slothful or greedy consuming everything. Balance is key and seeking what the Lord has specifically for you is the way to discern that.

M That fund means not looking for a line of credit in bad times, or borrowing with a shrinking income.  It’s cash in a bank, not real estate or equities.  Besides recession proofing your life.  You’ll have peace.




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