
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M It’s easy with auto deduct bills for increases to be unnoticed. This year, my insurance (home and car) went up 10% though I filled no claims last year.  I called.  They said it was the best they could do.


V We should check, compare, and be ready to move to another insurer.  Remember, the insurance company is not necessarily loyal to you.  They are in business for making profits.  There are people who specialize in comparing for you.  Fun times comparing, not really.  But valuable money saved. 


M Just as in biblical times, Scripture says pay attention to the condition of your flocks, in today’s terms it’s pay attention to where your money is going.  Good stewardship. 




Health Insurance Costs