Lean Times

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M We Americans disagree on politics, taxes, school choice, and a host of important issues.  But these days we all agree times are lean for most.  If you are not feeling the pinch, probably someone in your circle is.


Lean times bring temptation.  We can envy those seemingly untouched.    We can want the right thing for the wrong reasons, or we can want the right thing at the wrong time. 


V Lean times are lesson times.  More Christ-like dependance, less material waste.  (Love those leftovers!)  More sympathy for the poor we previously ignored, less pride.

Start your own list, my friend. You’ll be amazed at the wealth God can help you discover in lean times.


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