Wise stewardship # 2

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M We’ve been studying the principle of stewardship found in Matthew 25: 14—29.  One important take away is this: don’t be lazy, work wisely to oversee what God has loaned to you. 


V A second is this: don’t compare.  The servant who was given 2 talents could have been distracted envying the one who was given 5 talents.  That’s God’s choice. Comparisons are destructive.  Envy is toxic.  Simply be grateful, put your work ethic shoulder to your plow, and move forward. 


M An important anecdote to comparison is daily gratitude for all God has done and is doing in our lives. Gratitude and joy complement our efforts. Our attitudes are showing. God as the focus rather than what others have.  


Women and inflation.


Wise stewardship