Women and inflation.

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M Past studies indicate that women are more likely to predict inflation rising than men.  While we do not know the precise answer to why, we do know that most women at some time in their lives control their wealth and others as well.  We control over half the wealth and direct most discretionary spending.


V Yes, we know what our family is spending on groceries.  The cost of a carton of milk and a box of eggs going up is information in our wheelhouse.  Inflation matters.  With incomes not rising to match, our choices must change.  It’s UNWISE to keep our spending habits.  Result:  credit card debt increasing or taking from our emergency accounts.


M Wise women pay attention.   We’re prepared for the unexpected, including inflation. 


Women and inflation # 2


Wise stewardship # 2