Managing the Present, Growing the Future
Starting Over Financially (prg 2)
God is not shocked at your present circumstance. Luke 12:6-7
Everything is His. I Chronicles 29: 11-12
Four Principles
Establish your income first, ‘build’ your house, determine your living space, within the means of your income. Proverbs 24:27
Yes, this may mean that you must change spaces after change in your life and income. If possible, don’t make a hasty decision.
Rate your needs and your wants. Look at your check book, and/or bank account. That shows your reality. Which are necessary? Which are just wants?
Value Living? Value Spending? God sees your actions. To become trustworthy with what you have, invites His blessing to entrust you with more. Luke 16:11
God desires that you accumulate surplus in order to help others in need. Proverbs 3:27-28
Matthew 25. This parable illustrates that God desires us to multiply our resources. Learning about options for our surplus is a good beginning.
Imagine going in a ‘grocery store’ with different departments where you can put your money.
Shoe box Not a good idea. It will not grow.
Stocks & Equities Purchasing a share of a company. Opportunity to grow or shrink and receive dividends.
Bonds A debt security issued by an organization (company, government, etc) in return for cash from lenders. A bond holder is a creditor, not a shareholder: typically a stated guaranteed rate of return in a specific time frame.
Mutual Funds An investment company that combines money from a large group of investors to buy all of the above. They pick which ones and how much, you pay them for this service.
As you learn and determine where you want to invest, an important question to ask yourself is, “What amount of risk is wise or acceptable for you in your circumstance?”
Demystify where you put your money. If you have a financial planner, discuss intelligently, learn more, communicate clearly.