Money in Troubled Times
Starting Over Financially (prg 1)
Miriam Neff and Valerie Neff Hogan talk about money. Money when you’re in a difficult situation. Life got bumpy and money became a dreaded word. That’s when you need help most. With clear, practical, conversational content Miriam and Valerie are here to help.
Whether job loss, divorce, death of a spouse, foreclosure, or health issues, your pay check has frozen, or shrunk, but your bills have not.
You may not have the time or mental energy to tackle what seems like an overwhelming thing–getting a handle on your money. Let us help you simplify the process and walk with you.
We want to help you simplify. Grasp a few simple steps so YOU can grab the financial reigns, in the situation you are in.
Invite God into the process.
Matt 10:29 & 30: Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Direct or be directed.
3 things you need to master your finances:
The desire to do so. (Necessity is a good motivator as well.)
The willingness to read and become informed. (We’ll help.)
Basic math skills of adding and subtracting, or a calculator.
Don’t think 6, think one step at a time
1. Don’t make any major decisions for awhile.
Hit the pause button. If possible, don’t make any major decisions for at least a year. Wait 2 years if possible. In transition and unwanted change, emotions can be raw, unpredictable and thinking skewed. Hasty choices are usually regretted and can even add more chaos to your life.
2. Start tracking all your expenses.
Budget is not a bad word. You are on one, you just don’t know it.
Chaotic, unpredictable, crisis or emotion driven.
Realistic: What’s going on?
Do you like this? Is it sustainable?
Where is your money going?
Just get started writing every thing down.
While this step requires no mathematics, no profound economic insights, not even 5 minutes a day, IT IS THE SINGLE GREATEST STEP YOU WILL TAKE TOWARD FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
At the end of each month, as you total each category, you will see your real financial behavior. Then you can ask yourselves the question, “Is this what I want?” “Does this reflect wise balances for my future?” “What changes can I make?” “What changes must I make?”
3. Pay your bills promptly.
Just because you stuffed them out of sight does not mean they go away. In fact, extra charges add up quickly. If you must, prioritize and pay the ones with the greatest late penalties first to lessen the pain.
4. Find out how much you have in assets and your liabilities as well.
Assets = it is yours. Liabilities= It belongs to someone else, not yours. Begin those stacks. Watch the mail, sort through files, and follow up to find what you have, and what you owe others.
5. Organize all financial documents.
Gather all your financial documents together. Whether in boxes, paper files, or electronic files, easy hands on access will help you as you make changes and move forward.
6. Talk to other wise people about their choices.
We recommend getting wisdom from others though final decisions are your own. Create your Board of Directors, folks wise and helpful.
In “Where Do I Go From Here? Bold Living After Unwanted Change,” we outline this on page 89, help from the right people.