15 Wills And Trusts 2

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M Why have a will and a trust?  Because its god honoring direction after we leave this planet.  I’ve recently revisited and revised mine.  Life brings changes.  Marriages, grandchildren, even divorce, and sad events. 


V God promises to give us wisdom when we ask.  Where do we direct resources God has loaned to us after we leave for heaven?  In ways that honor him.  Do you wonder how a family member will spend inheritance?  This year you can give $16,000.00 to a family member.  Watch how they spend it.  No strings attached.  Just observe. 


M Family members vary greatly.  You can’t create of guarantee unity in the future through your will and trust.  Better to be sure we are honoring God with wise directives.


16 Inflations Impact


14 Wills And Trusts 1