Keep it daily
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
Did you know that we spend 47% of our time thinking about something other than the task at hand? We’re dwelling on yesterday, which we can not change. Or we’re trying to manipulate tomorrow which isn’t here yet! Valerie, I struggle with that.
V Mom, You’re not alone. We only have today. Only dwell on yesterday’s financial decisions if you can change and learn from them. Why charge today what you cannot pay for tomorrow. When we need to implement immediate change, my husband and I institute our ‘scorched earth’ budget. No exceptions to the plan, old fashioned envelops of cash. When it was spent, stop. No more groceries, only leftovers. No lunch out, sandwich from home.
M That keeps us focused on today. Single or married, this works.