Why we are poorer than before.

 I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M  Recent reports reveal that American families are poorer than the were last year.   Inflation has caused roughly a $8,000 reduction for one year for most families. 


V Result: falling savings, increased credit card debt, and lower growth in 401(K) savings. Regardless of the many reasons for this, the reality is most families are stressed by this.  We encourage couples to track carefully their expenses, review realities together, and modify spending to less than income. 


M We’re not saying it’s easy.  But the effort is worth it.  Reduction in marital stress, even strife, and peace of mind. Also, God sees you honoring his guidelines on money.  And He blesses with contentment. 


Home ownership decline


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