Financial blessings.
I’m Miriam Neff and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money
M The sermon on the mount lists 8 blessings. And none of them are material, stuff, prosperous trappings. We may have them, but they are neither in the blessings, or curses, category. Money, possessions, stuff is neutral.
V Consider the first blessing in Matthew 5: 3 We have the kingdom of heaven as ours. That means we have the favor of God, satisfied, and joyful. That is available to those with little and much. In fact, those who are poor in spirit have that blessing that is beyond many financial measure. Poor in spirit. We realize compared to God we don’t measure up.
M God says here’s a white beautiful cloak, given because you embrace my son. Nothing ever on this earth matches that.