Financial hardships

I’m Miriam Neff and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money


M Following biblical principles on stewardship and money brings blessings.  But not always.  Living on your income, no debt, except in specified circumstance, likely means margin and less financial stress.


V But consider this example in Scripture of a financial sacrifice. In Ephesus many practiced magic for financial gain.  They owned books that gave them knowledge of magic.  When they became believers they burned their books. Acts 19:  18—20  They were valued at fifty thousand silver coins.  If they were denarii, it would be 5.5 million dollars today.  If they were silver talents, that would be about 1.5 billion.


M Fact is they gave up their income, their skill set for tomorrows provision, what they knew, in order to be obedient to what they believed.


Financial hardships # 2


Financial blessings.