21 Surplus Money

Surplus money? Cautions!

Luke 16:10 ‘whoever can be trusted with a little can also be trusted with much.’

II Timothy 1: 7 ‘For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.’

In America, we have experienced the largest transfer of money in our history, a new phenomenon. From inheritances, and divorce, to insurance settlements, stock option payouts, and even the lottery, some women experience that sudden windfall.

I. Enemies:
A. Inexperience
B. Emotions
C. Others ‘willing to help.’

II. Actions to take:
A. Hit the pause button
B. Review your Rating Your Life’s Values video 16
C. Read books like ‘The Millionaire Next Door.’

III. Generosity options:
A. Thank God for entrusting you as a 10 talent steward.
B. It’s OK to be wealthy, enjoy and share.
C. The benefits of Donor advised funds.

20 Trusts


22 IRA’s Annuities, Roths & 401k