
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M If you’re going through a rough patch in life, a transition that requires change, your finances can be worrisome.  Job loss, divorce, death, you must make choices.  Worry, fear, anger, have your emotions churning.


V Job said, ‘shall I accept good from God and not adversity.’  Paul said he could be content in any situation.  Contentment is possible.  Focus first on the fact that God loves you, he knows your upheaval, and wants to walk with you, and direct you wisely.  Jesus said don’t take on tomorrows worries, today has enough of its own. You may want to make a list of blessings you can still think of today.


M As contentment soothes your soul, your mind clears.  You have signaled God that you are ready to listen and trust Him.


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