Instead Of Spending

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M One author made a list of what to do instead of spending money.  She listed catching fire flies and polishing your shoes.  Not my choice, but a good exercise.

Overspending can be a habit.  That drive through coffee in the morning, ordering on line with a discount code.  What’s your habit?  Does it have you spending?

V I like habits and hobbies that EARN money, not spend it.  Don’t go to malls and stores to “hang out”.  Hang out at a part time job you love or at a hobby that makes money. If you have children, make it a game to find the most fun “free” activities. Build in contentment and an industrious spirit at a young age.


Thinking Ahead


House Poor