Skill Training

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M We train widows in African villages in the skill of tailoring. Of our first widow graduates, three of these newly certified tailors started a business!  They set up their own tailoring shop and are not only making money, they’re saving money to grow!  This is beyond any dream or expectation we had when we simply trained them in the skill of sewing.  They now are micro businesswomen--three widows!  They bought a serger machine to diversify their business.


V God tells us not to despise small things, small beginnings, and I would add small investments. This small program, more importantly, these determined widows, caught God’s eye and He blessed and multiplied beyond our plan.


M Never underestimate God’s multiplication capacity.




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