Inflation rate

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M Todays inflation rate for this year is predicted to be 6.4 %.  This means if you had a spending plan for last year of  $70,000.00  Which is the average income in our country, you would need $74.480.00


V  Let’s assume your income does not rise to that.  What are your options?  Keep spending and increase credit card debit.  Bad idea.  Scripture says no debt except in rare circumstances. 


Revisit your spending plan and eliminate or reduce what you spend.  Food is a must, but can vary greatly.  Eating out, a luxury.  One couple got rid of their car.  Public transportation, an electric bike and walking. 


M Extreme? Not really.  Just smart.  Your decisions may be different.  But living on less than you make is a must. 


Money worries

