Money worries

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M A recent study reported that 65% of respondents said money is a significant source of stress.  Reasons included possible job loss, lack of personal finance education, and concern about cost of living increases. 


V  Scripture addresses this clearly.  We summarize Scripture in our book Wise Women Managing Money.  Know it, Own it, Like it, Change it. 


Know it, write it down, record it.

Own it.  That’s reality.  Every dollar.

Like it  Is it doable? Is it biblical? Little or no debt.  Living within your income. 

Change it.  Take control and reduce depending on your personal situation. 


M General recommendation is that you have 3—6 months savings to cover your budget if things change, which is likely. 


Money worries # 2


Inflation rate