Important books
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
M I’m a reader and love researching. We learn from books. I toured the Trinity Library in Dublin. Books spanning 400 years, over 200,000 old books. Over 4.5 million books. Likely many contain some information about ownership, wealth, and finances.
V Regardless of countless books written on finances, one stands out above all others with the greatest of all wisdom contained. The Bible, both Old and New. Differences? Yes. Old testament. Tent living. Pegs could be moved smaller larger smaller dependent on need. New Testament: Stones, wood, other materials.
One book in addition to the Bible we recommend is The Word on Finances by Larry Burkett. Divisions by topic. Based on the Bible, more precious and priceless than all the books in Trinity Library.