Our country’s example
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
M To the extent that our country follows biblical truths and guidelines, we will prosper. Our government can set a good example, or an unbiblical one. Some may be tempted to say, ‘If our government does this. It’s’ OK for me.’
V Currently our government has set two unbiblical examples. Incurring increasing debt is not biblical. Our government continues to borrow in order to hand out or accomplish things, some of which are unnecessary.
A second unbiblical example is government handouts: discouraging work as one will get a paycheck no matter what.
Scripture says work to earn, In fact, it says if you don’t work you should not eat. Sounds harsh. In Genesis we were designed to subdue the earth. That’s called work.